Kamis, 05 Desember 2019

These Are the Differences in Tumors and Cancer that You Need to Know

Until now, there are still many people who do not know the difference between tumors and cancer. Although at first glance it looks the same, there are actually differences between the two that are important to know. A tumor is a lump or tissue that grows abnormally, which can be benign or malignant. While cancer is a malignant tumor that can spread to other parts of the body quickly and damage healthy cells around it.

Tumor and Cancer Differences

In general, tumors arise when there is excessive cell growth in a tissue and form lumps. If these cells are malignant and their growth is out of control, the tumor formed is called a malignant tumor or cancer. Benign tumors do not damage healthy cells and surrounding tissue, their development is also generally slow, and there is no risk of spreading to other tissues or body parts. This is the reason benign tumors are considered harmless. In contrast to malignant tumors or cancer. Malignant tumors can spread to other parts of the body and can damage healthy cells in the vicinity. Cancer will grow rapidly, urge healthy cells, and take nutrients from healthy cells. In addition, the cancer will spread to other parts of the body and form new tumors that are also destructive. Because of its rapid and highly destructive development, the presence of cancer needs to be detected early so that treatment can be done immediately to prevent its growth and development. That's the difference between tumors and cancer you need to know. If you find any lumps that are not natural in certain body parts, you should immediately consult a doctor. The doctor will determine the cause and type of the lump. Usually it will require a supporting examination in the form of X-rays, ultrasound, CT scan, MRI, and biopsy to confirm. After the tumor type is known, the doctor will provide appropriate treatment. Tumor management can be in the form of monitoring or observation, surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy. This treatment depends on the size, location, malignant or not the tumor, and the stage or severity.

Depression of Pregnant Women Do Not Be Trivial, This Is How To Recognize It

Depression in pregnant women or medically called antepartum depression, is one of the most common pregnancy complications. Research shows that some pregnant women have experienced it. Depression in pregnancy is a biological disease that involves changes in brain chemistry. During pregnancy, hormonal changes can affect chemicals in the brain associated with depression and anxiety. To identify whether you experience depression during pregnancy, examine whether you experience some of these symptoms.
  • Feel worthless.
  • Less energy, less concentration, and less interested in the world around you.
  • No longer enjoy the things you used to like.
  • A change in appetite occurs.
  • Too much sleep or even less sleep.
  • Feel guilty.
  • Repeatedly thinking of suicide or feeling hopeless.
  • Restless or anxious.
  • Prolonged grief.
Pregnant women who experience depression usually experience some of these symptoms for a period of two weeks or more. But unfortunately, not all pregnant women get adequate depression treatment or even do not try to seek help. Moreover, the myth of a pregnant woman who is sure to be happy makes many women feel ashamed to seek help. In fact, depression during pregnancy that is not handled properly can have a serious impact on the health of babies and mothers themselves. Depression in pregnant women can also cause stress to the fetus.

What are the Steps to Overcome It?

If left untreated, antepartum depression can cause pregnant women to experience malnutrition, suicidal tendencies, alcoholism, and smoking. This bad ending can later lead to premature birth, newborn birth weight below normal, and child development problems. Research also shows that infants of mothers who are suffering from prolonged depression are more likely to be irritable, more fussy, less active, less interested, and more agitated. Because antepartum depression that is not treated is feared to continue after childbirth, the form of depression help from an early age becomes something important for both mother and baby. Remember that consulting with a psychiatrist means that you are determined to maintain the health and safety of your baby. If you feel depressed during pregnancy, do the following first few treatments to help you deal with depression.
  • Take care and treat yourself. Make this the top list to do as caring for yourself is part of the effort to care for your baby. When your baby is born later, you no longer have much time for yourself.
  • Tell me how you feel. This can treat Pregnant's mood. Instead of fighting alone against depression, it's better to pour your heart out to people you trust can help. Also discuss with your partner so he understands and provides support. You can also consult about this to your obstetrician.
  • Get enough rest. Effects due to lack of sleep greatly affect physical and psychological abilities in dealing with stress and daily challenges. Establishing the same bedtime routine every day is a good first step.
  • Start to exercise. Physical exercise during pregnancy can naturally increase levels of happy hormones or serotonin and reduce levels of stress hormones or cortisol.
  • Pay attention to food intake and nutritional adequacy. A diet that involves a high intake of sugar, refined carbohydrates, caffeine, chemical additives, and low protein can cause physical and psychological health problems. From now on, take care of your diet and make sure to pay attention to your nutritional adequacy every day.
  • Omega-3 consumption. Over the years, the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids are known to help reduce symptoms of depression and can function as a natural mood-booster. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in oily fish and walnuts. Meanwhile, if you choose to consume omega-3s in supplement form, you should consult your obstetrician first.
  • Acupuncture therapy can be a recommended choice. This kind of alternative therapy is thought to improve mood.
Never try to deal with depression alone. A depressed woman often does not have sufficient strength or desire to care for herself or her developing baby. Do not let this happen protracted. Immediately contact the relevant expert doctor.

Find Out the Back Pain Medication Here

Coarse eye pain medication is used to treat complaints in the eye when it is choked, such as a yellow or green liquid coming out, red eyes, sore, and itchy. In addition, this drug is also used to treat diseases that result in choked eyes. Therefore, the drug needs to be adjusted according to the cause. Eyes on the back when you wake up is a natural and normal thing. However, rubbing eyes can be a sign of infection or inflammation if accompanied by other symptoms, such as red eyes, itching, pain, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light (photophobia).

Various Causes of Rumping Eyes

Belek is a collection of fluid and oil in the eye that looks like mucus. Normally, a twist appears in the morning when you just wake up, and usually even a small amount. But when the eye is affected by a disease, especially an infection, it can appear constantly, with white, deep yellow, or green. Some eye diseases that often cause eye strain are:


Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is a transparent membrane that lines the inner eyelid and sclera (the white part of the eye). Patients with conjunctivitis generally complain of the appearance of chokes accompanied by red and itchy eyes, and a sense of wedge in the eye. Conjunctivitis can be caused by exposure to allergens and bacterial infections.


Keratitis is inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye caused by infection or trauma to the eye due to incorrect contact lens wear, use of contact lenses that are dirty and contaminated with germs, or exposed to scratches from foreign objects. In addition to being chubby, keratitis sufferers also often complain of red, sore eyes, often glare or more sensitive to light, to vision problems.

Dry eye

This condition occurs when the eye tears down. Various complaints that can be a sign of this condition are the appearance of chokes that resemble the lining of the lenders around the eyes, accompanied by red, itchy, dry, and painful eyes. There are many factors that can trigger dry eyes, ranging from wearing contact lenses, too long in an air-conditioned room, too long staring at a computer screen, to the aging process.

Coarse Eye Pain Medication

Treatment for treating the eye on the back will be adjusted to the underlying cause. Some drug choices that are often recommended for treating bare eyes are:


Chloramphenicol is a class of antibiotic drugs. This drug is often used to treat the eye strain caused by conjunctivitis or keratitis due to bacterial infection. Choramphenicol is available in the form of drops and eye ointments, its use must be under the supervision of a doctor.

Fusidic acid

Just like chloramphenicol, fusidic acid is also included in the class of antibiotic drugs. Fusidic acid is usually prescribed to treat the devious eye caused by conjunctivitis or keratitis due to a bacterial infection. This drug is safe for use by children, pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding, and the elderly. Even so, you are still encouraged to consult an ophthalmologist to get the correct dosage and method of use.


Cyclosporine is a medicine for treating dry eyes. This medicine works to increase the amount of tears produced by the eyes. With the increased production of tears, it is expected that complaints arising from dry eyes will be reduced, including creases that resemble mucous membranes in the eyes. Cyclosporine is a hard drug that must be purchased by a doctor's prescription, so you cannot buy it freely. When you experience eye contact, besides using drugs, you also need to treat your eyes properly. Some ways to care for the eye during a scrub is to regularly clean the spots that have accumulated in the eye with a clean cloth and compress the eyes using warm or cold compresses. Don't forget, always wash your hands before and after touching eyes. When you have a short eye, you need to see your doctor to find out the cause and get an appropriate eye cream. The doctor will also tell the dosage and how to use the right medicine.

The reason pregnant women often experience stomach acid disease

Most pregnant women often experience symptoms of stomach acid disease (GERD), especially heartburn. Heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest due to increased stomach acid. Symptoms often get worse with increasing gestational age. The cause is hormonal changes during pregnancy which makes digestive work slow. An enlarged fetus and an enlarged uterus can also cause food and stomach acid to press up into the esophagus or esophagus. The esophagus is the channel between the mouth and stomach. Under normal digestive conditions, food descends into the stomach through the esophagus and passes through the lower esophageal valve (Lower Esophageal Sphincter - LES). The LES valve will open to put food into the stomach and close to prevent stomach acid from rising. While in the case of GERD during pregnancy, the LES response is not as strict as in normal conditions, so that stomach acid is more easily raised. Handling GERD in pregnant women is actually the same as sufferers in general who focus on lifestyle changes. Some of them, namely:
  • Do not smoke.
  • Change your eating habits before becoming pregnant. Now it is recommended to eat small portions, but often. Don't lie down right after eating, wait 2-3 hours.
  • Don't eat snacks in the middle of the night.
  • Avoid eating foods that are at risk of worsening GERD, such as spicy, sour, chocolate, mint, and coffee.
  • If the symptoms of GERD recur at night, you can lie down by lifting your head 15-20 cm higher. Use a pillow to raise your upper body when sleeping. Lie on your left side.
  • Consumption of yogurt or a glass of milk when you feel symptoms appear.
Meanwhile, some types of medicines that may be prescribed for pregnant women to treat heartburn or heartburn during pregnancy, include:
  • Alginate Some types of antacids are made with a combination of alginate-type drugs that can help alleviate digestive disorders due to stomach acid. In most cases, a combination of antacids and alginates can effectively treat symptoms of indigestion during pregnancy.
  • Antacids, which are types of drugs that work quickly help relieve digestive disorders by neutralizing stomach acid. If you are prescribed antacids and iron supplements, don't take them at the same time because they can interfere with your body's ability to absorb iron.
  • Omeprazole is usually prescribed to be taken once a day and symptoms should improve in five days. If not, maybe the dose needs to be increased. In some cases, omeprazole can cause side effects, such as headaches, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Ranitidin Ranitidine is usually prescribed to be taken twice a day.
The drugs above do not mean you have to take them all. Consult your doctor about medication needs and dosages for your condition, and follow the instructions for using the drug. You will need serious medical treatment if experiencing heartburn makes you often wake up at night, are often recurrent, or accompanied by other symptoms. The symptoms in question are coughing, weight loss, difficulty swallowing, or black stool

It's time to check the content with 3-dimensional ultrasound

Ultrasound examination (ultrasonography) is almost always done when pregnant women undergo a pregnancy examination to the doctor. Now there is a more sophisticated type of ultrasound, namely 3-dimensional ultrasound. This type of ultrasound is considered to have several advantages compared to normal ultrasound. Basically, 3-dimensional (3D) ultrasound and ordinary or two-dimensional ultrasound both utilize sound waves to produce images. It's just that, 3-dimensional ultrasound uses more sophisticated machines and software, so the resulting images look more detailed and clearer. With 3D ultrasound images, you can clearly see the shape of the face, body, organs, and feet of the fetus, including what he is doing. In a medical examination, 3D ultrasound makes it easy for doctors to detect fetal disorders that are difficult or not detected by 2D ultrasound, such as cleft lip or birth defects. However, the purpose of USG 3 examination is not different from 2D USG, namely:
  • Determine the age of pregnancy.
  • Detect the number of fetuses in the womb or detect multiple pregnancies.
  • Evaluate fetal growth during pregnancy by monitoring fetal movement and heart rate.
  • Evaluate the condition of the placenta and amniotic fluid.
  • Check the baby's position before delivery.
  • Detect whether there are abnormalities in the placenta, such as placenta previa and calcification of the placenta.
  • Detect any abnormal pregnancy, such as grape pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus).
  • Look for causes of complaints during pregnancy, such as vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain.

When Can You Check Yourself with 3D Ultrasound?

The best time to do an ultrasound examination with three-dimensional ultrasound is when the gestational age has entered the 26th week to the 30th. Performing a 3D ultrasound examination at less than 26 weeks' gestation may not help much to show the baby's body and face shape, because the baby has not grown large enough to be examined with 3-dimensional ultrasound. Although it can provide better image quality, a pregnancy examination with 3D ultrasound so far is only an additional examination. That is, 3D ultrasound does not need to be used routinely at every content check. If your health facility doesn't have 3D ultrasound at your health facility, your doctor can still do an ordinary ultrasound to evaluate the health condition of you and the fetus in the womb. But if you want to do 3D ultrasound, you can consult with your doctor to find out when the best time to do it.

How does the 3-D ultrasound examination procedure take place?

The process of 3D ultrasound examination is not so different from 2D ultrasound. Initially, the doctor will ask pregnant women to lie down first on the examination bed. After that, the doctor will apply a special gel on the belly of pregnant women. When the gel has been applied, the doctor will then attach the ultrasound transducer to the stomach. Transducer is a device that works to send sound waves to the uterus and fetus so that the ultrasound machine can produce the desired image. This procedure usually only lasts a few minutes and is painless. Just like in 2D ultrasound, patients can print and bring home 3D ultrasound images. The doctor will also notify the patient if a health problem is detected during the examination.

Is 3-D Ultrasound Safe?

Because 3D ultrasound does not use ionizing radiation or X-rays to produce images, this procedure is safe for pregnant women. So far, there are no studies that state that routine ultrasound examinations of pregnancy can increase the risk of health problems in pregnant women and fetuses. However, considerations for conducting an ultrasound examination, both normal pregnancy ultrasound or other types of ultrasound, still need to be based on the recommendations of the doctor who conducted the examination. Without clear medical reasons and doctor's recommendations, 3-dimensional ultrasound should not be done.

An overview of 4D ultrasound

Besides 3D ultrasound, there is now also a 4D ultrasound machine. The fundamental difference from 3D ultrasound with 4D ultrasound is the resulting image. In 3D or 2D ultrasound, the resulting image is only in the form of photos (still images). Whereas on 4D ultrasound, you can see the fetus in video form. Despite having different results, both 2D, 3D, and 4D ultrasound both utilize sound waves to produce images of organs or fetuses in the womb. But the problem is, there are still not many health service facilities in Indonesia that provide the means to conduct 4D ultrasound examination, as well as 3D ultrasound. Even though 3D and 4D ultrasound machines are available, it does not mean 2D ultrasound is no longer needed in the examination of the womb. 2D ultrasound remains a part of routine obstetric examination procedures, because the safety and accuracy of the results have been proven, as well as because they are more affordable. If you want to do an ultrasound examination, be it 2D, 3D, or 4D, first consult with your obstetrician. The doctor will suggest the type of ultrasound examination that suits your needs and condition.
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